For the Password Generator is using the Passwddqc, password/passphrase strength checking and enforcement toolset.
You can read 25 of the most used passwords on the web for 2013 as compiled by SplashData, in no particular order below, make sure you don't ever use one of them:
1. 123456 (Up 1)
2. password (Down 1)
3. 12345678 (Unchanged)
4. qwerty (Up 1)
5. abc123 (Down 1)
6. 123456789 (New Entry)
7. 111111 (Up 2)
8. 1234567 (Up 5)
9. iloveyou (Up 2)
10. adobe123 (New Entry)
11. 123123 (Up 5)
12. Admin (New Entry)
13. 1234567890 (New Entry)
14. letmein (Down 7)
15. photoshop (New Entry)
16. 1234 (New Entry)
17. monkey (Down 11)
18. shadow (Unchanged)
19. sunshine (Down 5)
20. 12345 (New Entry)
21. password1 (Up 4)
22. princess (New Entry)
23. azerty (New Entry)
24. trustno1 (Down 12)
25. 000000 (New Entry)